
“Confident, Alert, Curious” 

The Schipperke, meaning ‘little captain’ in Flemish, is a breed of dog in the Non-Sporting Group. This breed is well known for their superior watch dog capabilities and for their loyal, yet independent, nature.

Height: 11-13 inches (male), 10-12 inches (female)

Weight: 10-16 pounds

Life Expectancy: 12-14 years

Group: Non-Sporting Group  


The Schipperke was developed in Belgium in the late 1600’s in order to create a small companion and watchdog. This breed is a smaller version of the sheepdog known as the Leauvenaar, and for many years they were a favorite watch and companion dog on canal boats which is where they received their ‘little captain’ name.


Schipperkes need at least half an hour of exercise daily, and more is better. Their people are usually tired before they are. They are always running and playing and will use your house as a racetrack when the mood strikes. Walk them on leash to prevent a sudden dash toward an interesting animal or object. The Schipperke’s coat needs only weekly brushing, though they do go through a shedding season once or twice a year. During these periods, more frequent brushing will help to keep the amount of shed hair under control. 


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